Wednesday, April 24, 2013

T-shirt day...

Sun through the blinds
weaves a patchwork quilt of light,
or is it checkerboard squares of shadows?
A window-open day,
first warm wind of the year
warming my hands and face,
making me slip off the windbreaker
and let sunshine upon my short sleeved arms
for the first time this year.
Buses, with windows open, roll past
the sounds of children laughing,
like a audio tail, trailing behind them
as they go, kicking up the dust on the road
like a kid kicking a can down the street.
Skateboarders snake by,
going against the traffic,
wheeled salmon head back home,
hoping to avoid the metal bears
as they pass by.
A sweet taste to the breeze,
flowers opening up
and sharing their scent.
Hard to be down on a day like this...
It happens...
but it doesn't take away from the beauty...

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