Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Amulet...

     shining green the dark,
turning to hazel beneath
the streetlamp, with its
weather-beaten, world battered
cowl barely hanging on,
askew like Quixote's helmet
bit still reflecting light...
     Auburn hair spilling

just passed her shoulders,
over the black lace shawl
with threads of silver and gold
sewn throughout, a galaxy twinkling
with each sway of her shoulders
as the soft rustle of her peasant dress
of a myriad of colors bleeding down
to her ankles to a line of white embroidery...
     Wearing Dorothy's shoes of glittering red,

as though her feet danced with fire.
     Each catlike step as soft as moss
but echoing your heart's desire.
     A throaty whisper, then a gift

and disappearing in the mist...
     Felt as if I had been shaken awake,

then kissed
to be left proud but puzzled.
     But was I cursed or was I blessed?
     Yours is as good as any other guess...

                May 18, 2014

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