Thursday, September 4, 2014

Homeless Connect...

In air conditioned rooms
     deciding the Fate
     of the Homeless,
     praying it is not too late,
     choosing what might work
     and what is useless,
     trying to find a solution
     for the indigent and bootless
     in the Hope of giving Hope
     to those trapped
     within the System
     who come to Believe
     that it is all fruitless...

Live in a shelter
     for a week,
     wait in line
     for your commodities,
     tighten your belt,
     yet again,
     till you are weak,
     become so ingrained
     in the Travesty
     that you no longer
     wish to speak
     to the Jaded, to the Faded
     where your words
     fall on Deaf Ears...
You can not comprehend
     unless you have lived it,
     it doesn't matter
     how much you give
     if you don't allow
     the Poor their Dignity...
It's as though
     in the Shadows they hide,
     waiting for another
     line to form
     for food to eat
     or blankets to keep warm,
     then slip back into the Darkness...
Sadly said,

     this is the Norm,
     for you can't see
     what is Right
     unless you truly understand
     what is Wrong...
          September 4, 2014

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