Friday, November 30, 2012

Furry Standoff...

A piece of an apple fell from an oak tree,
came so close it startled me
Not so strange an occurence,
for when i looked up to see
the cause of this miracle
was a squirrel looking down at me
So i moved aside and waited
to see if he would take the bait
for as the year is growing late
he could not afford to lose such plunder
He sat upon his branch,
his head twisting this way and that,
his tail twitching as he was itching
to come and claim his prize
But i stood my ground, without a sound
and i stood with my arms crossed
as he took the measure of me
and slowly came down from the tree
to sit upon the library's lawn
as other pedestrians strolled along
He stopped again and seemed to ponder
as i thought, "do squirrels wonder?"
and motioned as if i should move a bit
But i stayed as resolute as the oak,
not blinking an eye, not a word i spoke
He seemed to shrug
and tiptoed across the grass,
crossed over to the sidewalk
and took the apple in his grasp
He looked at me and seemed to laugh
with his face turned towards the sky
He twirled the apple in his hands,
as if inpsecting it for bruises,
the took it firmly in his mouth,
crossing the lawn back to the tree
He stopped and dropped the apple,
gave a quick bow, took it back in his mouth
and clambered back up the tree
Farewell, littel friend, enjoy the treat...

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