Friday, August 29, 2014

Rinse and Spit...

What progress has been made,
     for there are still
     Galley Slaves tied
     to the oars of sinking ships?...
What have we learned
     from Greece and Rome
     when Civilization
     has become more feral,
     more wolves roam,
     more vultures pick the bones
     of a society dying
     with no where
     to call home?...
Where is the Justice
     when only Revenge is dispensed?...
If you believe in Life,
     Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
     get thee hencs
     for you have archaic beliefs...
Fall to your knees
     and pray for Deliverance,
     not to Gods above
     but to the concepts
     of Charity and Love,
     for Misery loves company
     and the Government is not above
     letting you wallow
     in the Lies
     we have all been
     forced to swallow
     but it's time to
     spit it out
     and wash the bitter taste
     from our mouths...
         July 25, 2014

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