Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Take my Sword...

A Knight's tale;
     I have taken the Veil,
     the caul that covered me
     at birth has been removed
     to reveal the Glory of Morning
     after Chivalry proven...
It took more than resolve
     to endure the Trial
     not of Fire, but of Desire
     so strong when you
     see not any wrong
     in the peaceful pleasure
     after the Measure of Time
     to convince myself
     that you wish to be mine...
Whilst I make no claim
     we are very much the same,
     for I know neither of us
     play the Foolish Game
     so prevalent today;
         "Love me, then go away"...
What lasts is what is real
what you believe is what you feel
helping each other deal
with the slings and arrows
that would otherwise
chill us to the marrow...

               July31, 2014

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