Thursday, October 30, 2014

Brisk Start...

The Morning hums,
     Ebb and Flow
     as the Sun flashes on
     like a camper's flashlight

     full Daylight in but an instant,
     but a moment ago,
     grey Morning
     and chilly winds
     made for a muffler
     and wool cap Morning,
     a snap to the Air
     that puts a snap
     in your step...
Buses mark the Time;

     people wash up
     upon the sidewalk,
     Urban Flotsam and Jetsam,
     flowing but not going anywhere
     in routines that seem

     Centuries old...
City's pretty in the Fall
     but, Mayor, please,

     leave the Leaves
     to scatter where thy fall;

     I like to see them swirl
     and twirl like squirrel's tails
     chase after cars,
     wrap themselves
     around girl's legs
     after tumbling along

     like a tumbling tumbleweed
     or racing along the curb

     and the dangerous
     Catch basins that wait
     to carry them
     down to the Sea...
          October 30, 2014


  1. Thank you, Mary...
    well, become a "follower"
    though I don't like the name...
    faithful reader sounds better...
