Thursday, April 9, 2015

Times Change (Time for Man)...

History changed
in the hurried moments after;
facts turned to Myth,
Myth becomes Legend
and the Lie taught to school children,
handed down the Centuries
with no one bothering
to peer too closely
to the Shadow-Figure,
of Smoke and Mirrors,
existing not to Educate
but to placate, to inundate
to keep The Herd placid
and chewing their cud,
keep the beat
for the Slaves
treading straw into the mud,
Pyramids and Ponti Schemes,
Fools believing in the American Dream,
you have to get your hands dirty,
but keep your nose clean,
toe the line and don't read in between,
a Rule for almost everything,
it is enough to make you scream
if you pay any notice,
if you have any Hope...

My Hope lies in you
and others i have met,
know a change in Hear is coming,
it's just enough have not melted yet,
but the Weather is changing,
a Great Storm comes;
are you prepared for The Tempest?...
April 9, 2015


  1. Wow,Gus ! You said what have been feeling and praying

  2. Thank you, Janice... funny how oft that happens betwixt my friends and myself... which has always made me wonder where my poetry does come from...
    thank you for the reading...

  3. Yes,life is strange,we live worlds apart and you captured what I was feeling and also seeing in the USA

  4. I live CT not exactly a world away...
