Watch the Arrow
as it nears its Apex;
seems to almost
catch its Breath
with determined face,
plunging towards Earth;
Helical, Mystical,
Spiritual fletching,
stretching, straining,
no Time to explain,
must be off and on my way
for I've been too long astray
and the Time is right
to do what I was meant for...
Metaphors against
Closed Doors,
look at the pretty bauble,
ah, now you've bought
half the story
and if that compels you
wonder about more,
no harm, no foul,
no Irritable Bowel Syndrome
from keeping it all in
once again,
there lies the Sin
as when you never Begin
when you Believe Compassion
is enough;
wrong, Brother,
it is only in the Action
lies the Love;
one Thought
will not change a moment
but one move
might save the Day,
or the World...
Sept. 17, 2015
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