Monday, September 28, 2015

Shine, then Rise...

A Blank Page,
never feel my Age,
always, still,
the Youngest
Kid on the Block;
no Concept 
of Time or Money,
no Eye on the Clock
(that's funny,
considering Time
is of the utmost);
at least
a morning toast
or a plain bagel
to plant the coffee
coursing through me,
a medium Turbo,
Light and Sweet,
Day's begun...
Where starts your Day;
mine long before
first Light of Dawn,
ere the Cardinal announces
and Earth bounces
from the rumble of
the Asphalt Cutters
miles away
as Manifest Destiny
and Eminent Domain
come to play in my head,
wondering what 
might have grown here
 instead of:
Rotting Tracks
and Crumbling Factories
Rusted Rails,
Faded Memories
of the Glory that was Rome,
crazed Emperors,
Divine Comedies;
it's no joke,
or it is
but the joke is on you...
You Decide
not to go along,
placidly chewing your cud
or hiding,
crying you couldn't;
all it takes
is to have a little Pride... 
Sept. 21, 2015

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