Friday, February 27, 2015


Modern Miracle
of Science
or should it be called
a Natural Wonder;
in the current
Scheme of Things
what is it you Dream,
my Friends,
for not had one
or is it forgotten them,
dropping old toys
when they are no longer needed,
the lawn's been raked,
the Garden's seeded,
so think might
pause a while
and do a little reading,
for I consider it and Act,
an Art, a Lost Beauty,
not just,
"doing nuffin",
it is upward movement,
it is Home Improvement,
it is taking Time out
of the Hours of your Life
for your Mind to find
(now listen very carefully,
for this may
blow your Mind)
to find the Moments
of your Life that matter,
on can almost hear it,
the karmic, cosmic laughter,
but then, is that God...
Feb. 25, 2015

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