Saturday, February 7, 2015

Height of Emotion...

Monday Night
tracks untouched

since the Storm just passed
has had its way.
the soft white,
such a Delight,
shining bright
in the clear Moon Light,
to be seen along the rails
you know lay there
but remain to be seen...

An idea comes to Mind,

recalling Wallendas
and others
of their Kind;
atop the left rail
I precariously climb,
a dangerous six inches
from the ground;

planting my walking stick
into the Snow,
fourteen inches thick 
on either side of the rail,
no further than the
heel of my next step,
slowly I place my instep
upon the rail,
letting the Snow on either side
support and balance me...

And so down the tracks I go,
six inches off the ground;
My Winter Low-Wire Balancing Act...
Feb. 4, 2015

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