Monday, February 2, 2015

The Stupor Bowl...

Another Day
for drunken excuses,
Armchair Quarterbacks,
Vandals and Looters,
let's all go down
to the nearest Hooters
and make Fools of ourselves;
The Stupor Bowl,
welcome to The Fold,
the Brotherhood of Macho,
scream and flex your muscles
before you, veins popping,
there's no stopping you,
you plan on drinking brew
till you can't see straight...
My Heroes don't game
kid's games for three hours,
hopped up on steroids
and bovine growth hormones
so the can feel false Power,
making obscene amounts of money
from contracts half of them
could not read, much less
even begin to comprehend...
The Teachers eating Cup of Soup
to bring notebooks to their class,
the Cop walking a beat alone,
putting his life on the line,
a Pfc. from the Bronx
defusing a land mine;
my Heroes are Heroes
twenty-four hours at time...
Feb. 1, 2015 

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