Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Voice in the Wilderness II...

Whispered rumors,
sidelong glances,
knowing smiles
hunching smirks
with arms crossed,
the classic defensive stance...
Yonder stand the Sinner,
the Fly in Amber,
the Lion in Winter,
the Boat without Oars
floating aimlessly,
proud and shameless
at the same time,
holding himself blameless
though admitting to being
at the Scene of the Crime...
In the Shadow of Cross,
still at a loss,
still trying to absorb
The Cost of Freedom;
keep the overhead down
but the chin up,
lest you end up on the street corner
with pencils in a tin cup
playing the game called Catch Up
as the World passes you by...

How long this
Mote in Blind Eyes,
how long
will Angels cry
you cannot answer
the general question,
you must go into specifics...
March 19, 2015
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