Thursday, January 29, 2015

After the Storm...

Wood and Water
     wait for me
     between Eighty-Four
     and South Main,
     along the tracks
     following the river;
     wishing for as canoe
     to take me to the Sea,
     there I want to see
     the remnants of the Storm;
     there the Fury is greatest,
     where Air, Earth and Sea meet,
     the Power is strongest
     in the Open, in the Mystic...
The Great Expanse;
     was it by chance
     that we crawled
     from the Sea,
     were the Others
     here before us,
     were we the Last,
     the Worst, the Least,
     did the weakest come naked,
     shivering as we came
     from the foaming waves
     as the Tempest raged
     and the Lightning crackled
     and the sand gave way
     until we reached the Dunes,
     wrapped ourselves in Sea Grass
     and waited for Sun to rise

     and the warmth of a new Day?...
             Jan. 26, 2015

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