Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cold Cut (Hyperborean)...

Cold morning confusion
     in the moments
     between Dark of Night
     and Dawn's Early Light;
     a few moments
     of brain scattered confusion
     as my timepiece
     does not match the Light...
Did I sleep
     as Time went backwards,
     did my Soul go back
     to relearn a lesson,
     to mull over a point
     that had left me guessing;
     did I wake a moment too soon

     before my poetic elves
     had time to turn back
     the Hands of Time
     as my Mind sought Truths
     my Brain could not comprehend?...

Am I suspended,
     living in mid-air,
     caught between
     the Illusion of the Moment

     and the Reality of my despair,
     is my Great Sadness
     merely my fighting Madness,

     slowly creeping towards my Soul
     or it is anger
     born of the Inequities
     that seem never to become whole?...
          Jan, 21, 2015

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