Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Don't Ya Think?...

Images can haunt,
memories are haunting
Ghosts roam the world at dawn,
Skeletons rattle in closets
Grey dawn's rising,
no glow on the horizon
the shadows have a moment more
they can dance and sway
as trees whisper and softly say
the prayers they've said every day
since the Dawn of Man...
Pleas lost upon the breeze
as thorn bushes scratch the trunks of trees
a little massage, if you please
to keep them from crying out
at the damage Man has done
ever since this Earth was young...
Man creates his world,
each and every one of us
always has a choice
and a voice we should use
when finally we choose
to speak out against the madness
and for the simple, basic truths

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