Friday, March 2, 2012

Learning the Hard Way...

The Rainbow comes only after the rain
though sometimes it is caused by a mist
made by the Tears of the Sun,
so hot as to evaporate before touching Earth,
the hottest of emotions burn white hot...
And i wonder, does anybody else wonder
about the water that comes from above
and goes back down under
to swirl among the carbons
and the garbage left by Man
as it makes yet another circle in the cycle?

Ten thousand years of refuse,
the fires of Sheol truly do still rage;
this i heard from a man
who's seen it with his own eyes
the smell of decay has never changed...
Down cobblestoned roads masked in history
but no mystery in man,
with his crimes and with his cruelties
we, all of us, fight it every day
and have since the Dawn of Man
and some it gets the best of
what matters is what you think of yourself
at the end of another day...
and can you live with yourself
at the end of another day?...


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