Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ask the Moon...

Don't know where i will be
     when the Harvest Moon
shines down on me tonight...
     i can only hope but so few decisions 
in my life are my own
     and it seems the woods
have always been,
    will always be my home,
wandering alone in the darkness
    till the Moon lights my path,
wondering if the sound i heard
     was an owl asking who goes there
or my own bitter laugh...

And tonight we fall back,
     draw the line, take back an hour
and act like Masters of Time
     as if we have that power
when changing it as we will
     only proves it doesn't exist
I guess Time can be killed
     but only hour by hour,
then brought back to life
     with the showers in Spring
The Eternal story of Life, Death and Rebirth,
     Isis and Osiris, the Mists of Avolon
with a Present Day spin...

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