Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Trot II (solo)...

The sudden rain faded 
as quickly as it began;
the lone dark cloud,
a sullen frown in the sky,
having its way at last ,
sending mothers with their strollers
scurrying from the park
and the ripe smell of  Fall
as it wafts through the air
A humid, dank sweetness,
leaves fermenting,
Summer finally relenting,
giving honor and respect
to the colors brought by Autumn's Parade
cascading down in pastel parachutes,
multi colored tinker tape ,
as businessmen in their three-piece suits
drive by talking on their Blackberries,
having missed every thing i just mentioned...

A hint of movement,
there among the trees...
caught a better look
as i bent down on my knees to see
a group of turkeys foraging
for food among the steaming leaves
This is what chills me, thrills me, fills me
i must follow, don't you see
along ridge top and bottom ,
moving only with the breeze;
we play a game with only me keeping score
As they move squawking and squabbling,
for once it's good to be ignored
For me this is a Grand Spectacle
gladly, i this receptacle be;
for one sweet hour of my life
i was happy, i was free...

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