Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turkey Trot...

By the glade is where we made our first stop;
jumping lightly from rock to rock,
stepping over  and under fallen logs
as we followed the path the turkeys made
as they scratched the leaves
to find worms in the warm moist shade...
Stopped just before the crest of the hill,
for we can hear them rustling above us still
"We move when they move, right Papa?", you said
i could only smile and nod as memories and pride
filled  my heart , my soul, my head
Back again to younger days,
when my eyes had not the sad gaze
and saw wonder and amazement
in even the smallest things
Thank you, son, for reminding me
even in my sorrow my love for you finds me
All i ask of you is that you remember me kindly
as they years unfold
and remember the little things i told you
for i will always hold you and your sister
forever in my heart...

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