Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cosmic Realities...

The Earth still spins
     outside your bedroom door
the Sun still burns,
     waves still break upon the shore
the Moon still rises,
     dew forms and the grass grows;
all these things continue...

Part of their wonder
     is in the question of their perseverance;
or is it merely tedium to them?

The Earth spins,
     pulled by Sun
and drawn to the Moon,
    marveling at the stars...

The Sun sits beckoning all to its light
     warming the Earth and lighting the Moon
The Moon hides a mystery and smile
     for she lies between Earth and Sun,
has heard them both
     laughing and crying,
but still each have a side of her
     they have never seen...

The stars bear witness,
     twinkling and trembling
pointing the way for those
     who can read the signs...

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