Sunday, December 4, 2011

Faces in the Clouds...

 A feather floating,
     with nowhere home,
touching softly down
     for but a moment,
for my life is subject to the wind...

A ghost you see
     but don't believe
for how could such a thing be?
     What are the chances
that you might see
     what no one else has seen?

Archaic thoughts, heroic dreams
    forever dreaming, so it seems
In past lives there are things i've seen
     that only yesterday i realize
Tipis, boulders on the ridge
     Red Hawk circles, dips and cries
i have always seen faces in Earth and Sky
     now i think i know why...

The souls of those
     who have been
and yet to be
     The soul that you were
and the soul
     you have yet to be
The souls of your family;
    great, great granchildren
that have yet to be
     The soul of the Earth,
nodding Her head
     or is She shaking it, sadly?...

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