Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Toy...

The first of the morning
how without a warning
one thought turns to another
becoming something else,
the toy you were playing with
going back upon the shelf,
if only for a little while...

But for the chance of a quick smile;
a glint to the eye,
a little harmless guile
playing word games like a little child,
just to stretch the synapses
so there will be no lapses in memory
(after i'm gone will my electricity go on to infinity?)
In all of us there are trace of divinity...

We all could truly be saints
but they ain't what we're made for
though some are meant for so much more
than the parts,
less than the whole
as the straining of the muscles
and the tugging of your soul
brings you closer,
but no wiser,
to what you need to know...

Life's learning is a process
and Progress,
as you know,
while always assured
if you give it a go,
is often times seen as slow
then again,
Patience has never been
if any,
of the Virtues i may hold...


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