Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ghost Dance (Bittersweet Price)...

A beautiful heart,
     but a tortured soul...
isn't that the way it always goes?
     The dream within a dream
with the dreamer lost between
     the Living and the Dead,
this Ghost haunts the day instead,
     searching for the potion or the magic
to break his bonds
     and free him from the spell
he has been under,
     looming over him
on this strange, sad journey he is on...

Lost amid the Ocean of Civilization,
     just now coming to the realization
how far off his course has been
     for it has always seemed sink or swim,
fight or flight response to the horrors and terrors
     both from without and within
and just when you think
     your dream has come true
you wake with a start
     with someone shaking some sense into you..


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