Friday, December 9, 2011

Quasimodo (II)...

Behold the Sentinel;
watching from on high,
lost among cathedral spires,
sliding on telephone wires
watching the world and his heart's desires
far below the dizzying heights
It's as if sometimes he might
take the Leap of Faith;
plummet or to take flight
fall into the Darkness
or rise up into the Light
of the New Day Dawning...

He is is a constant state of Becoming,
his senses heightened
you can almost hear his body humming
the electrical, the quizzical
the comical, the oh so physical
and his sense of lyrical
it something of a miracle
forgive him, Father,
he knows not what he does...

He just goes on Love
and goes on looking
reading signs and thousands of books
wondering at times
why it is it took him so long to realize
the lights within and without you
sparkle the same within your eyes...

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