Friday, December 16, 2011

Shine On...

The twinkling lights of Night;
     the man-made ones below
and the Celestial ones above
gleam and glitter
to fade with Morning Light
      but the ones in Sky
hold a different Meaning,
     give me different Delight...
Let the Stars point the way,
     let them give me the words
i search for but cannot say,
     let them twinkle in their special way
and never go out in my Heart...
     How long have they shone,
how many Poems have they inspired,
     how long have they hung upon Sky
never fading, never growing tired?..
     Did Caesar wonder upon you as well,
did they whisper Secrets to others,
     casting different Spells;
did they grow in luminosity
     or were they always clear as a bell,
shining in mute testimony
     with their silent story to tell?...

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