Sunday, August 7, 2011

Left at the Gate...

The hurry up and wait of my Life;
     seems always to be
a dollar short and a Day late,
     a Lifetime dreaming
"wouldn't it be great?"
     dissolving into bitterness
and seeking of altered states
     to bear some of the brunt
when there are no more windmills to fight
     when seen for what they truly are
in the stark Light of Day
     No quickening of the Heart,
 No thrill to the hunt
     just tired routines and daily paces;
leaving me to wonder
     when did Resolve dissolve into Anxiety?
Losing Faith in yourself
     and seeking  out a Deity
who will take your Piety into account
     if you believe in a Power other than yours
and let you drink long and hard
     from the Fount of Happiness and Prosperity,
making your Dream Reality...
     But to me, that seems almost too easy
too accept what befalls you
     as some cog in a a Master Plan,
being too Universal and expansive
     for our poor souls to Understand
I say, accept the blame
     and take the reins
of the stallion you command
     Get back in the race;
it matters not first, second or last place
      All that matters is that you keep running...
Aug. 7, 2011

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