Monday, August 1, 2011


Plates churning, turning into each other
     dissolving in magma at ocean's deep,
seven miles down, in darkness no eyes have seen
     Underwater volcanoes and Atlantis lie below the sea,
striped magnetic fields and other miracles concealed
     in the deepest reaches of Poseidon's keep...

I won't be there when sea spray erupts in the air
     and the nine plates coming crashing together
bringing Australia to California's sunny southern weather
     Wonder, though, will it bring real estate prices down
or will the new Salt Lake bring them up even more,
     will there be a land rush in America as there was before?
Gimme 40 acres and a mule, i would not need more
     Ah, to live off the land, to have chores would not be a bore
a simple life, away from  all strife...

Searching for my own Lost Continent once more
     watch the Serpent slither down the pyramid steps
as the waves crash to the shore and pour like rain
     wanting to explore; stand before an ancient altar
and adore the Goddess Living; the Loving and the Giving
     my Muse of Poetry and Song whom i've sought all along
though she's been by my side since day one
     She only guides, watches and hides
whispers in my ears, nodding sadly
     at the tears ever seeking the Sea...

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