Friday, July 22, 2011

And Then it Rains...

I've been here before
     will i be here again?
Will we have times
     like way back when?
Can you catch dream
     before it floats away?
Smoke ring in the sky
     turn into clouds
and then it rains...

I've seen you before,
     will you see me today?
Might you come down
     and might we play?
Have you heard a note
     before it floats away
upward through the sky
     to pierce a cloud
and then it rains...
Rain is sometimes happy
    and other times it's not
Rain it sometimes traps you
     where it's hot, where it's hot...

I've heard that before...
     Would you say it's so?
Would you admit
     if you don't know?
Have you heard a cry
     before it's died away?
Water from your eyes
     travels the skies
and then it rains...

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