Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Et in Nubus Unde Perennis Aqua ( When the Clouds Draw their Unfailing Water )...

A sudden, but not unexpected shower
     splattering and scattering the drifts
of winter's sand, silt and powder;
     exploding like wet fireworks,
 leaving moist asterisks,
exclamation points on the ground,
     making soft drumming sounds
to those that may be listening,
    amid the dry spots that can be found
until all is wet and glistening
     As the landscapers hurry to keep dry,
they keep an eye upon the sky
    scowls on their faces
 and resignation in their eyes
as they have little choice
and less voice to utter their complaints
    as the water paints them grey and grim
They, like us, are creatures of Nature's whim;
    you can fight it or you can run
but whether you're safe
and dry within or out amid it
    the weather will have its way and its say...

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