Friday, July 15, 2011

Nune ad tua Devehar Astra

 "now to the stars i turn"

Full moon through a spider's web
     so bright as to hide the stars from sight
moths light upon the grass wet with dew...

     A calm descends as cigarette smoke
trails upward through the cool  midsummer's sky,
      wisping and winding towards the halo
that turns black to blue and clouds to white,
       a light that leaves no shadows, only pale delight...

So near and yet so far, like a huge firefly in a child's mason jar
     An owl calls in the trees, hushed by the magic they see
and i, like the first man wondering of some master plan
      that i could never understand, gaze in wonder and awe,
wondering if tomorrow some will speak of what they saw...

     Though it happens ever month i cannot help but stop and stare
and be thankful that i was awake to catch a not so fleeting glimpse
     of something so simple yet so rare...


  1. I love it Gus, welcome to the world of blogging, you and your followers will love it.

  2. Congratulations,'s been a long time happy to see a personal, happy home for your works. YAY!!!!

  3. Thanks nameless number for you gracious comment - glad you enjoy my poeetry and hope you return for more... peace
